Monday 28 February 2022


 For our cast, we have two girls ("victims"/hunted) and two men (hunters).

The two girls will be played by Daisy and Zaza.

And the men will be played by Stu and Mike.

Stu and Mike are both media teachers at our school, therefore it will be relatively easy for them to get time out of lessons.

Zaza is a student at our school and therefore can provisionally book time off school. Although Daisy is from outside of school, therefore we have to make sure she's aware of all the details of the shoot before the day, including timings, props, and the costume she needs to bring. Despite this, we do have to tell all of our cast this information.

Prior to this moment (Monday 28th February), we had Meadow and Zaza playing the two girls, whereby Zaza was going to be the protagonist who proceeds to kill the hunter and Meadow would play the girl who gets killed at the beginning of the sequence. Although due to a change in Daisy's (our first choice for the protagonist) schedule we have cast her as the girl who kills the hunter, and we've decided to replace Meadows's role with Zaza.

Sunday 27 February 2022

Contacting our cast

It is currently Sunday and our shoot is on Thursday, therefore we thought it would be necessary to email our cast with the necessary details they need for the shoot. 


Saturday 26 February 2022

roles on set

I've taken on the role of creative director, whereby I'm in charge of everything creative! including set design and hair, costume, makeup, etc.

I decided to practice using makeup to make a bruise effect as well as mu stain effect on one of my peers.

For the girls, these mud stains as well as some bruises will be necessary to contribute to the tired narrative of the storyline of our opening scene. I will also use a grey tone to create eyebags under their eyes to highlight this.

Additionally, I want the girls to look as though they haven't washed in several days/weeks, and as though they have been living in the woods. Therefore, I may choose to add oils to their hair and possibly backcomb it.

For the hunters, I want them to look smart and sophisticated, no makeup should be necessary. Although blood is extremely important for 'Hunter 1' at the end of the sequence.

Thursday 24 February 2022

Call sheet

We were given the day of our shoot, which is Thursday 3rd March, which is a week away. Therefore we need all of our props and costumes sorted by then. 
We decided to make a call sheet, which includes all of the information necessary to contact our cast and crew if anything were to happen.

roles on set

 There are 3 main roles on set, 

The director 

The camera operator

The art director 

Despite this, it’s argued that despite being offset, the editor's role is the most important. Therefore, my group and I designated roles to each other, whereby:

Bea is the director, as during our trial shoot she took this role and we all agreed she really exceeded at it due to her decisive personality.

Will is going to be the editor, as during the trial shoot I took on this role, although Will clearly has a passion for editing and will do a great job at it.

Cole is the camera operator, as he had previously had covid during our test shoot, therefore this time he wants to be more hands-on with the action!

And finally, I have taken the role of the creative director, whereby I will be in charge of the set design as well as props, costume, and makeup.

Despite our set roles, we have decided as a group we would all like to contribute to every aspect of the film-making. 

Friday 18 February 2022

shot list

 I've attached a link to our groups shot list, which we will use on the day of our shoot

Wednesday 16 February 2022

group storyboard

 My group and I all contributed to our final shot list, here is the final shot list:

Tuesday 8 February 2022

my storyboard contribution

This is my contribution to our group's final storyboard:

My scenes within the sequence are penultimate, therefore are very important as they bridge the opening to the end. In the first shot, the setting will be established, therefore it's a shot of the woods, this is important as it juxtaposes the peace of the woods to the horrific sport taking place. 
The second shot shows a girl walking through the woods, she's clearly determined and is walking from right to left which disobeys the common rule of the protagonist walking left to right, hinting to the audience that something major is going to happen.
The third shot shows the hunter standing on the right side of the screen he's clearly looking for something and we gather that it's the girl.
The fourth shot shows a close-up of the girl, we can see the determination and anger on her face as she is also looking for the man.

The fifth shot is a close up of the girl's feet as she's running, we don't know where she's running to although the combination of her feet and face show the determination and highlights that she is on a mission and has full intent as to where she's running, again she is running right to left.
The sixth shot juxtaposes the hunter's feet to the girls. It is a close-up of his feet as he walks, this shows his relaxed nature and that he also is looking for her.
The seventh shot is a close-up of the hunter's face, whereby we see his anger yet confusion as to where the girl is.
The eighth shot shows the girl running, despite drawing her going from the left to the right, in our actual sequence I would position her on the left-hand side of the screen, running from the right to the left.

The ninth shot is a close-up of a sock filled with rocks that the girl is holding, this is crucial as this is the weapon she will use to kill him.
The tenth shot will be of a close-up/mid-shot of the girl's face while showing her grasping the sock. Her facial expression will be anger.
The eleventh shot will be a wide shot, showing both the hunter and girl in the same frame, he is oblivious to her whereabouts, and she is moments from killing him as we see her running straight to him.
The twelfth and final shot will be a close-up or mid-shot of the girl hitting the hunter over the head with the sock filled with rocks. 


Monday 7 February 2022


In addition to our girls costume (orange jumpsuit) its also necessary to highlight that they are indeed part of a game, therefore we need to personalize the costume, as a group we decided a good way to differentiate the costumes is to spray paint numbers on them, this differentiation reflects the hunters ideology behind their little thought and compassion for the girls, as it will be done in fairly a messy manor. Moreover, these numbers will create a scale of the hunt for the audience, as the numbers will range from 1-300+
We need a spray paint that is able to work on fabric, therefore after some research, I opted for a matte white spray paint.

making of storyboard

As a group, we all had to do a section of a storyboard to help our opening title sequence. I did a middle section that starts with an establishing shot and finishes as the girl hits the hunter. This is a crucial part of our sequence, therefore the shots within our storyboard are very important. I am not the best artist, therefore I will also add a description to help show what's going on within the scene.

what is storyboarding?

Storyboarding is done by pretty much every big studio/director in the industry, it is necessary for pre-production as well as postproduction, although it does take a long time to successfully create, and can 

often be quite expensive for companies. Storyboarding creates a visual element for a movie without recording a thing. By displaying a sequence of images related to the scene/movie a storyboard is created, it portrays the story and the shots necessary without having to say a thing. The importance of a storyboard is that it portrays the director's vision in a way that every single person involved on the set can fully understand and communicate to organize the crew based around it. Moreover, storyboards allow directors to consider mise-en-scene choices such as the colour scheme, costumes, etc, having prior knowledge of the mise-en-scene helps the director know what works and what won't, as well as the set designers (etc) also seeing this same exact vision, and not have to interpret their own take.

Additionally, the storyboard can take months to create and finalize, having this prior plan allows the director more time on set to get on with filming as opposed to telling people their visions and what they want to do.

Storyboarding is also extremely effective when it comes to post-production as it is a guide for the editor as to the order of scenes and shots necessary, moreover, storyboards help to make the scenes flow when it comes to editing, as the edit has been planned (to an extent) prior to the filming.


 The props necessary for the hunters are:

1. A shotgun

2.  A knife

The props necessary for the girl are:

1. A sock filled with rocks

2. A bloodstained sock filled with rocks

The props/makeup necessary for all characters are:

1. Dog tags

2. Fake blood (liquid)

3. Fake blood powder

4. Fake mud





The hunter's outfits will consist of:                 The girl's outfits will consist of:
1. A tweed hat                                                  1. An orange jumpsuit
2. A tweed jacket                                             2. A black T-Shirt
3. A checkered shirt                                         3. White socks
4. Tweed trousers                                            4. Black trainers
5. Wellington boots                                         5. Dog tags (wearing as necklace)
6. Dog tags (in the pocket)
7. A shotgun



I also looked into the fake blood necessary for our shoot. We ended up getting a blood powder which activates with water, this will look incredibly effective when we supposedly slit the first girls throat, as when you rub it on dry skin it looks near enough see through.

in addition to the blood powder we also got two tubs of coagulated fake blood which we can use to get a blood effect on both the first girl and the hunter who dies.


 I looked into buying props. specifically knives.

I looked through several knives, I decided although the knifes which you can push in will probably be more effective, they will also look less realistic.

Moreover, plastic knives also will look less realistic when on camera.

Therefore, I opted for an all black, rubber knife as I think this will look the most realistic. In addition to this, we could also spray paint the blade silver in order to make it look even more realistic. 


We also need tweed hats, Will found 3 hats in the charity shop. Although as a group we agreed these wouldn't look so effective.
Moreover, I own a hat and we can borrow another from a friend.



This is the sort of jacket we want, therefore Will went to a local charity shop in order to source similar jackets.
These 4 jackets are from the charity shop. Most of them were size larges and extra larges, therefore will sent us photos in order to grasp our opinions of them. 
He ended up buying the bottom two blazers.

We had to buy blazers as opposed to borrowing them as we plan to use fake blood on the clothing.
Despite this, we have two hunters, one of the two won't have any fake blood on him, therefore we are able to borrow a jacket from a friend.


Our opening title sequence