Sunday 12 December 2021

Research into filming roles

There are so many factors that go into the making of a film, but there are 6 crucial roles whereby the film wouldn't succeed without them. This includes: The Director, Camera Operator, Editor, Art director/DOP, Producer, and Sound Engineer.

The director is the creativeness behind the film, whereby they're in charge of almost everything you see on the screen, they have a say in everything from pre-production through to the final edit. An example of a famous director is Tim Burton, he's known for his gothic horror movies such as Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and probably most famously Beetle Juice. Burton isn't only a director, he's also a producer, artist, and writer. Some advice that Burton has given to budding directors is to 'always be creating' he's known for always carrying a piece of paper around whereby anytime he had a creative idea he would write it down no matter the time or place, this led to his success in his role as he was constantly thinking about his next venture.

Camera operators have the job of handling the cameras whereby they have to 'capture the action'. An example of a camera operator is Tim Normington who has worked on famous films and tv such as: Not the Messiah: He's a Very Naughty Boy, Noel Gallaghers High Flying Birds, and The X Factor.

Editors possibly have the most important role when it comes to filmmaking, they produce the final film during post-production by managing material such as camera footage, sound effects, dialogue, graphics, and special effects. An example of a famous editor is Thelma Schoonmaker who has worked with Martin Scorsese for over 50 years. Schoonmaker has famously worked: Whos that knocking at my door, Bad, Raging Bull, and Shutter Island. Advice Thelma Schoonmaker has commonly given to new editors is "Search for the trust" and "avoid cliché and sentimentality at all costs, there are too many films that are filled with cliches and sentimentality. try and lay down humanity in the film and true emotion".

Art directors (often referred to as DOPs) work alongside the director in order to convey the overall visuals for the film through the use of set design. An example of a famous art director is Rick Carter, he's famously worked on: Forest Gump, Avatar, The Goonies, Jurassic Park, and The Polar Express. 

Producers are crucial, they oversee everything from pre-production to the release. Film producers manage the production and are often in charge of selecting the script, directing, editing, coordinating writing, and arranging the financing. Walt Disney is one of the most famous film producers, although he was also an animator, voice actor, and writer. Disney has produced classics such as: Cinderella, The Jungle Book, Peter Pan, and The Pirates of the Caribean. Disney created the largest movie company ever.. which is supposedly valued at over $100 billion. Walt Disney famously said "If you can dream it, you can do it" his ever-expanding imagination is reflected in his movies where his advice is conveyed, he also said "life is too short to spend it doing the possible, learn to pursue the impossible, pursue what others say can't be done, pursue what has never been done before, pursue your dreams and turn them into reality" his ambition to break the limits within the movie industry through the use of his magical imagination led to his great success.

Sound engineers are responsible for recording and monitoring all of the sound's onset. 

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