Saturday 26 February 2022

roles on set

I've taken on the role of creative director, whereby I'm in charge of everything creative! including set design and hair, costume, makeup, etc.

I decided to practice using makeup to make a bruise effect as well as mu stain effect on one of my peers.

For the girls, these mud stains as well as some bruises will be necessary to contribute to the tired narrative of the storyline of our opening scene. I will also use a grey tone to create eyebags under their eyes to highlight this.

Additionally, I want the girls to look as though they haven't washed in several days/weeks, and as though they have been living in the woods. Therefore, I may choose to add oils to their hair and possibly backcomb it.

For the hunters, I want them to look smart and sophisticated, no makeup should be necessary. Although blood is extremely important for 'Hunter 1' at the end of the sequence.

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Our opening title sequence