Sunday 6 February 2022

props, costume and set

As a group we discussed what we needed for the shoot, this consisted of costume, props, and set design.


  • X2 jumpsuit

  • Tweed jacket 

  • Tweed hat

  • Wellies 

  • Tie 

  • X2 Shirts x2 trousers

  • Possible red bandana on hunters arms

The two girls will wear the same outfit (jumpsuit), the repetition of the outfit shows the uniform and lack of decision from the girls. moreover, the protagonist will either have her sleeves rolled up or have the top half of the jumpsuit tied around her waist, this change to the outfit reflects her personality as it portrays her as bold.

The two hunters will also wear the same costume, this will consist of a tweed jacket, a tweed flat cap, trousers and wellington boots. The tweed feature reiterates the shooting sport element, while also adding an element of power and authority.


  • X2 Shotgun

  • Knife 

  • Fake blood

  • Dog tags (at least 4)


All that is necessary of the set is to have a combination of thick woodland areas as well as open land, there isn't anything extra we need to take to our location, although we propose to do a site visit to fully understand where we want to film.


Both girls' hair need to be messy as the context for the scene is they have been in the woods for several days. Girl 1 could wear a messy bun, and girl 2 could backcomb her hair and we could add hair oils to create a greasy look. The most important part is that their hair doesn't look washed!

Both hunters will be wearing flat caps, therefore their hair isn't too important.


A natural look is crucial, although we want the girls to look tired and as though they have been in the woods for a while, therefore through the use of makeup we could create bruising as well as mud stains on them. Moreover, we will use fake blood on girl one and hunter 2, this will go on the girls neck and the hunter's head.

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