Thursday 24 February 2022

roles on set

 There are 3 main roles on set, 

The director 

The camera operator

The art director 

Despite this, it’s argued that despite being offset, the editor's role is the most important. Therefore, my group and I designated roles to each other, whereby:

Bea is the director, as during our trial shoot she took this role and we all agreed she really exceeded at it due to her decisive personality.

Will is going to be the editor, as during the trial shoot I took on this role, although Will clearly has a passion for editing and will do a great job at it.

Cole is the camera operator, as he had previously had covid during our test shoot, therefore this time he wants to be more hands-on with the action!

And finally, I have taken the role of the creative director, whereby I will be in charge of the set design as well as props, costume, and makeup.

Despite our set roles, we have decided as a group we would all like to contribute to every aspect of the film-making. 

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