Tuesday 8 February 2022

my storyboard contribution

This is my contribution to our group's final storyboard:

My scenes within the sequence are penultimate, therefore are very important as they bridge the opening to the end. In the first shot, the setting will be established, therefore it's a shot of the woods, this is important as it juxtaposes the peace of the woods to the horrific sport taking place. 
The second shot shows a girl walking through the woods, she's clearly determined and is walking from right to left which disobeys the common rule of the protagonist walking left to right, hinting to the audience that something major is going to happen.
The third shot shows the hunter standing on the right side of the screen he's clearly looking for something and we gather that it's the girl.
The fourth shot shows a close-up of the girl, we can see the determination and anger on her face as she is also looking for the man.

The fifth shot is a close up of the girl's feet as she's running, we don't know where she's running to although the combination of her feet and face show the determination and highlights that she is on a mission and has full intent as to where she's running, again she is running right to left.
The sixth shot juxtaposes the hunter's feet to the girls. It is a close-up of his feet as he walks, this shows his relaxed nature and that he also is looking for her.
The seventh shot is a close-up of the hunter's face, whereby we see his anger yet confusion as to where the girl is.
The eighth shot shows the girl running, despite drawing her going from the left to the right, in our actual sequence I would position her on the left-hand side of the screen, running from the right to the left.

The ninth shot is a close-up of a sock filled with rocks that the girl is holding, this is crucial as this is the weapon she will use to kill him.
The tenth shot will be of a close-up/mid-shot of the girl's face while showing her grasping the sock. Her facial expression will be anger.
The eleventh shot will be a wide shot, showing both the hunter and girl in the same frame, he is oblivious to her whereabouts, and she is moments from killing him as we see her running straight to him.
The twelfth and final shot will be a close-up or mid-shot of the girl hitting the hunter over the head with the sock filled with rocks. 


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Our opening title sequence