Tuesday 1 March 2022

research into similar product conventions

 Our opening title sequence is a hybrid genre, whereby we are combining the genres of thriller and action. it also has some additional conventions of a slasher horror. 

Some movies and TV shows that share these conventions are:

  • The hunt -This movie is probably the most similar to ours out of all of the movies/tv shows. This is because of the hunting people for sport element 

  • Squid game - This series is similar to our opening title sequence because of the costume as well as the narrative of how the people are killed. 

  • The purge -This movie is similar to our opening title sequence as the movie is centered around a national holiday whereby crime is legalized for a day, therefore people go around killing each other for an entire day. This is similar to ours through the way in which innocent civilians are killed for no apparent reason.

  • The purge (amazon) -This series is similar to our opening title sequence for similar reasons to its prequel movie “The Purge” (above), through the dehumanized killing spree. 

  • Battle royale -This movie is similar to our opening title sequence because innocent people are put into a killing game, whereby they have to fight for their survival.

  • The hunger games -This movie is similar to our opening title sequence because it's centered around survival to prove which district is “the best”. Therefore the innocent killing reflects aspects of our sequence.

  • The silencing -This movie is similar to our opening title sequence whereby innocent girls are being hunted for sport, a major difference is the mysterious aspect of who is doing the hunting.

  • The revenant -This movie follows the same hunting aspect of our sequence, alongside the key forest location. Although, the same theme of struggling to survive is prominent in both our sequence and this movie.

  • Assassination nation -This movie is similar to our opening title sequence because of the strong female role whereby the girls in Assassination nation are represented as “badass” due to their strong subversions of stereotypes which they embrace.

The Hunt was made in 2020 by Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions and it was directed by Craig Zobel. I would say that this movie is incredibly similar to our proposed opening title sequence whereby the narrative follows the same hierarchical theme centered around class and an underlying battle whereby the upper-class use money as a representative of power over the lower class. The Hunt is based around 12 strangers who have been kidnapped and forced into a “hunt” whereby wealthy people are hunting them for sport. The film is centered around how the hunted rebel and fight back above their hierarchy. The entire narrative is incredibly similar to ours due to the classist dilemmas as well as portraying a strong, independent woman as the protagonist. We decided to subvert the common stereotypes of a girl (ditsy, sexy, weak) to portray her as a role model for the female audience, as she should be seen as independent and empowering. Moreover, The Hunt is incredibly gruesome whereby they're not afraid to show blood or detached limbs, ours isn't quite so explicit, although we do intend to have a lot of fake blood as well as a very gory death as the first scene of our opening title sequence, this will help to entice the audience. Finally, a crucial similarity is that the hunters evidently messed with the wrong girl who is clearly far more capable than they may have imagined, this is also apparent in our title sequence whereby the girl who is made out to look like a victim to the audience clearly isn't your average victim, as she is able to hunt and kill one of the hunters through the use of her quick thinking and intelligence.

Squid Game is a Korean series made in 2021 by Netflix, it was directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk. Some elements of this series are similar to our opening title sequence including the blue tracksuits which the victims wear, as well as the red jumpsuits that the “hunters” wear. In addition to this, the theme of survival is extremely prominent in Squid Game, whereby people have to play games in order to survive and the overall winner wins a large sum of money. Our opening title sequence also plays on the theme of survival whereby the girls do indeed fight for their survival, although in our sequence there is no clear way out of danger nor being hunted. The use of costumes in Squid Game clearly differentiates the victims from the games keepers, whereby the victims wear turquoise tracksuits whereby they each have individual numbers to differentiate their same uniform. In contrast, the hunters wear red jumpsuits and masks, whereby red shares connotations with danger highlighting their power within the scene, and the blue tracksuits connotate sorrow as well as peace whereby they are just fighting in order to survive. 

The Purge was made by several production companies including Universal Pictures and Blumhouse Productions, it was directed by James DeMonaco in 2013. It is based around an annual holiday whereby all crime is legalized for a day every year, therefore this day turns into a killing massacre. The key element shared with our opening title sequence is the theme of rebellion, whereby everyone goes against each other and nobody is able to trust anyone. Moreover, people's personalities are portrayed through their fight or flight instincts, whereby the weakest people who additionally lack determination die first, and the strongest survive all the way to the end which also highlights their intelligence as their journey of survival is represented through their resilience and quick thinking. In addition to this, the strong violence within The Purge, whereby groups of people kill other groups of innocent people is prominently shown, the game-like aspect also reflects scenes from our sequence whereby ours is centered around men killing girls for sport. Moreover, the use of costume in The Purge suggests an element of uniform. The people who act on The Purge and participate in the killing sprees wear different masks and costumes in order to conceal their identities, in our sequence the protagonist (girl 2) changes her costume from the other girls in order to show her identity which reflects her badass attitude as well as her intelligence when it comes to life skills. 

Finally, The Hunger Games (Catching Fire) was made in 2013 by Lionsgate and directed by Francis Lawrence. The Hunger Games is about the 12 districts in a nation and how annually 2 people (a boy and girl) are chosen from each district to fight in “The Hunger Games” which is televised to the rest of the nation, only one person is able to “win” the games, therefore fighting for survival is incredibly intense, which relates to our opening title sequence whereby two young girls our being hunted and have to fight for their survival whereby their intelligence is their only weapon. A key theme that relates to our opening scene is power, in our sequence, the hunters supposedly hold the power throughout as they're in charge of the hunt as it is their way of fun, whereas in the hunger games the president, president snow created the hunger games. Snow was similarly portrayed in an evil manner whereby he ended up being killed, which is similar to the hunters in our sequence, whereby we will present them in a light where the girl will be the favorable character. Furthermore, in The Hunger Games, the protagonist is a knowledgeable, powerful, badass girl, who isn't afraid to fight, this is similar to our sequence whereby our protagonist will be 10 steps ahead and additionally, won't look out of place with a powerful weapon.

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Our opening title sequence