Tuesday 25 January 2022

research into how a girl can overpower a man in a fight

I chose to research how a girl can overpower a man in a fight. There weren't many results, therefore I have used videos as well as articles to conduct my research. Knowing how a girl is able to overpower a man far bigger than her is not only important to know for everyday life but it will be extremely important within our opening scene, as our protagonist needs to be able to beat up a hunter who is armed and far bigger than her. 

Women are stereotypically portrayed as helpless and referred to as 'a damsel in distress', therefore by our protagonist being portrayed as a strong, powerful woman this subverts the common stereotype and makes the audience want to know more about her in the rest of the movie and how she ended up where she is.

There’s no set way for someone to successfully attack someone bigger and stronger than them. Although there are specific tips and strategies that can help.

  • skill is necessary. If you don’t have good footwork nor know how to throw good punches you’re at even more of a disadvantage than just being smaller and weaker.
  • Bridge the gap between you and them. Their arm range is going to be much further so they'll be able to throw some powerful punches, by bridging the gap they'll have less of an advantage.
  • Combinations. swap between striking them high and low, the throat and groin are weaker places - this will stun him. Moreover, jump high and headbutt their head, then grab the weapon and kill them.
  • Catch them off guard.

One extremely crucial tip for a smaller opponent is to fully use their strength. 
For example, if she were to want to grab his ankle to then push him over, she would have to push him to the ground by his head for him to focus his strength on his upper body and be able to stand back up. Then she would be able to grab his ankle and push him over successfully.  So by combining techniques, she is able to gain more strength.

Despite the many tips and tricks, for our sequence, these will be extremely hard to pull off as the man has a gun. A solution to this will be for the girl to either know how to successfully disarm a gun or how to attack the hunter from behind, as these will be more effective and believable in this scenario for the audience watching.

This brief video teaches one how to disarm a shotgun. First of all, you subtly move out of the line of fire of the barrel. His right hand will most likely be holding the main weight of the gun, so it is necessary to counteract that by using your left arm to push the back of the gun down and use your right arm to lift the gun from the front, this motion will seemingly hit him in the face and then turn the weapon so that the barrel faces him. Finally check that the safety catch isn’t on and that if you needed to, you were able to shoot him. 

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