Tuesday 25 January 2022

planning the shoot


  • woods

In our actual shoot, we will be shooting in the woods. Our school is situated amongst woods, therefore it will be easy to use them in our filming.


  • Two girls (one that gets their throat slit and one who on the run)

Bea + Daisy

  • Two men (hunters)

Cole + Will

There are 4 of us in our production group (two boys and two girls) and our idea has four people in it (two boys and two girls) therefore we can delegate ourselves to play these roles. At no time in the sequence will all four characters be in the same frame, therefore we will still be able to film it without adjusting our sequence to our limited crew and cast.


  • Fake gun (umbrella)

  • Fake knife (ruler)

In our opening title sequence we use a couple of weapons that we won't be able to use in our test shoot, therefore we will have to substitute an umbrella for a gun and a ruler for a knife.

Rules and equipment for your shoot:

  • Cole (editor/actor)

  • Daisy (camera opp/actor)

I will use my phone to film the test shoot. Moreover, I will bring in a tweed jacket and flat cap to show some differentiation between the men and girls.
  • Bea (director/actor)

  • Will (camera opp/actor)

Will is bringing in an umbrella which we will use to replicate a gun.

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Our opening title sequence