Tuesday 1 February 2022

new outline

 Based on our feedback, this is the new outline that we made as a group:

  • The shot opens with a girl struggling, hysterically crawling on the floor trying to get away from two men standing behind her (camera at floor level with the girl so their faces aren't shown)

  • The girl then gets her throat cut, drops to the ground, revealing two men standing behind her.

  • One man drops down to examine her and takes an object from her, either a dog tag or some sort of object that identifies the girl and expresses the magnitude of this hunt.

  • The man puts the object in his pocket, clearing a trophy' of some sort that he is collecting to delude the idea that she is merely another kill'.

  • The two men have a brief conversation regarding one more girl being left to kill, "one more to go". perhaps they tally up their kill counts, laughing about it?

  • They decide to separate, turning the last kill into a competition on who can kill her first scene switches to shots of the last girl' as she proves her survival skills;

  • Girl bandages her wounds with ripped material from her clothes and prepares her own weapon (sharpened stick/socks filled with rocks)

  • Tension builds as the audience's focus swaps between the man who is looking for her, hearing movement and appealingly getting closer to the girl, which builds audiences suspicion.

  • Scene swaps to 'abstract' shots of the protagonist who appears to be 'struggling' which confuses the audience's predictions on who will win

  • Shots increase in pace as tension is built as the chase develops.

  • The girl catches up with the hunter and attacks him by jumping on his back as they struggle to fight.

  • After some struggle, she pushes him to the floor, whacking him over the head with her man-made weapon and killing him.

  • She then collects the dog tags from his pocket, showing some emotional attachment to the objects as anger rises in her.

  • The girl picks up the hunter's gun and proceeds to walk away from the body, still in slight shock and hysteric, clearly wanting revenge which gives audiences hints that she is now looking for the other hunter.

  • The soundtrack plays as she walks towards the camera and its zooms out, revealing more of the location.

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Our opening title sequence