Thursday 3 February 2022

location- research

Our group split into 2, two of us (Will and I) researched locations, we had to take into account our test shoot bearing in mind what worked and what didn't. And Bea and Cole took the casting side and looked into who would work well within our sequence.

Will and I were discussing locations to film in and we narrowed it down to 4 locations we will consider. Our first choice is Delta Force, which is a paintball site that has several different locations within it. The use of multiple locations within one location allows us to make our opening sequence appear on a far larger scale. Additionally, Delta force is 38 minutes away from our school, which could take up significant time on our shoot due to our time limit.

Our second option is Furzen Farm, which consists of lots of woodland areas as well as open fields. It's only 12 minutes away from our school, so could be an ideal location as there is minimal travel. A member of our group has access to it, therefore there will be no interruption from the public and we have free access to it.

Additionally,  we discussed The Peaslake Woods as well as Holbury Hill woods, each is around 5 minutes from our school and consists of woods and open areas.

The use of woods, as well as open areas, are very important for our shoot, as we want to portray the hunting sport as realistic as possible through the use of location

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Our opening title sequence