Thursday 3 February 2022


To reiterate, our group split into 2, two of us (Will and I) researched locations, while the other two (Bea and Cole) looked into who we would cast and who would work well.

As a group, we had a few people in mind. We only have four characters to cast, two hunters and two girls. We knew the hunters had to be teachers, or older friends of ours otherwise the storyline wouldn't work as it wouldn't look realistic if we cast someone our age. And we want the girls to look a little bit older than us (16/17) while being strong actors.

For Hunter number 1 (the hunter who shadows hunter 2) we thought of our media teacher Mike and also another teacher, Stewart. As we think they will fit the role really well.

For Hunter 2, (the main hunter, who gets killed) we think that another teacher Stewart will fit the role, although as our backup we have Doug (another teacher). Both of these people will be ideal for the role.

When thinking about who to cast for the girls we found it much harder as our options were far wider due to the age range and people out our school.

For girl number one (the girl who gets killed at the beginning) we thought that Meadow (a girl in our school year) would be great, as she looks older and also brings an element of added culture. moreover, as a backup, we have Millie (another girl in our year). We think both would be great in our sequence.

For girl number two (protagonist) we decided to ask Daisy Jelley (connection to our teacher) as she is older, she will fit the role well, although our backup is Zaza (a girl in our year). We think that either person will do a great job at portraying the character we created.

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Our opening title sequence