Saturday 15 January 2022


I presented my opening title sequence idea number 3 to my class and teacher. I received lots of feedback which will help me develop my concept and help me understand how to improve my idea if I were to take it forward.
Many of my peers enjoyed the concept I pitched and said that it was engaging and something they would genuinely like to watch. Although many questions arose which will help improve my idea, including, the sensitivity surrounding the topic I chose, as drink spiking is a serious sensitive social situation at the current time, meaning that taking it forward may be difficult as well as it is not going to be enjoyable for my group and I to research for a long time due to the dark issue. Moreover, my peers were unclear on whether or not the woman in the opening scene dies, I wouldn’t directly tell the audience that she dies although I would suggest her decease through her best friend's emotions later on in the movie. Additionally, it was said that the location of the restaurant would be difficult to recreate as covid will make it extremely tricky to use an actual restaurant which is probably necessary as more often than not restaurants are bustling and big, whereas if I were to film it in the studio this effect wouldn’t be matched or realistic. Although, I could present the restaurant as more low-key whereby if I add ambient diegetic sound of people talking while only focusing on a single table, this could be a solution as it could create the effect of an intense first date which also reflects the tone of the movie.

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Our opening title sequence