Friday 21 January 2022

feedback for concept idea

After speaking with Luke (Head of Production) he suggested some areas that will improve our overall concept, this includes: 

The establishment of "the hunted becoming the hunter" earlier on, a way in which we could do this is through the use of non-obvious traps which state the woman's ability and power without directly linking her to them. Showing the woman as the hunter from the offset makes the audience question the scenario more as she is portrayed as a strong woman which subverts the common stereotype of a woman in the woods, moreover by making it clear that the hunted are the hunter this sets the tone for the rest of the title sequence and movie.

Another point Luke made is the use of sound. Our proposed sequence has two hunters and two girls on the run, the two hunters are "friends" and could potentially chat to each other, although as a group we decided that little to no dialogue could create further suspense and enhance the thriller genre. The use of pleonastic sounds such as the wind and breathing could further add to the suspense and eerie vibe. Having no dialogue at all leaves more of the plot to the audience's imagination, although we will give further hints to the narrative through the use of props, actors, and location.

Moreover, we discussed the use of titles and how necessary they will be, as a group we decided that a full title sequence probably won't work with our opening scene. Subsequently, we could go from a black screen at the beginning whereby we have a bold title displaying the funding company name and then it suddenly cuts to a girl getting killed, and then at the end of the scene, we leave the audience on a cliff hanger and then cut to a blank screen with a title of the production company. The lack of titles doesn't steer the audience's attention away from what's actually going on in the scene.

Additionally, it was pointed out to us that when looking at the screen audiences read it from left to right, similarly to a book. Therefore, if the antagonist walks into the shot from the right side onto the left this creates an eerie vibe from the offset and connotates bad vibes from the offset.

In contrast, Luke suggested that we could do it in an abstract fashion, whereby we use extreme close-ups as well as more shots of the woodland area and sound to create an eerie vibe. The lack of characterization and hints to the narrative helps to grip the audience and make them want to carry on watching.

To conclude Luke suggested that we should consider only killing one of the huntsmen as oppose to both, by doing this the suspense within the opening scene is heightened as the audience are unaware of potential events that are going to unfold. moreover, we are proposing to have our opening scenes plot be the penultimate scene in the entire movie, therefore by killing one person as oppose to two the audience doesn't fully know the ending to the movie.

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Our opening title sequence